Monday, March 21, 2016

Activity for Today (Monday, 3/21)

Hello all. My apologies – I won't be in class today. I will be here on Wednesday.

I originally had a movie in mind to show you as a class while I was out – but it seemed, last week, that everyone was still working on their two-page "Image with a capital-I" project. Madison might actually have this one done by now, but it seemed everyone else was still in the "inking" stage, so I thought it would be good to have one more in-class period where people could work on scanning their inked pages and digitally coloring them.

Piera has access to the cabinets, and can break out tablets for people to use. There is also a lightbox in there, and you can temporarily bring in the lightbox from the table just outside the door for today's class (just make sure to put it back by the end of class).

Madison, Max and Anthony should all have an idea of how to scan and color the inked pages. If there's a scanning bottleneck today, you can also use the two scanners that are attached to the Macs in the open studio space, outside the video recording studio.

Scans should be done at 300dpi, as TIFF files (this can be done through Image Capture, or the Epson Scn utility). Once the inked images are scanned, you can open them in  Photoshop, and create a new empty layer above the layer of scanned artwork. Change the blending mode of this layer to "multiply," and the colors you can add there with the brush tool will "fill in" the white of the scanned page underneath. The black lines will remain black.

The basic principle is shown here:

This tutorial goes more in depth:

I'd recommend someone gets Pandora going on a machine that's hooked up to the speakers, and you all have a chill day coloring. I do want to see your two colored pages done by the start of next class – we're going review your "Image" project on Wednesday, and start a project that looks at how you can compress or expand time with comics or videography.There are also open lab hours this evening - check out the schedule for the open lab, posted next to the door, to the left as you're entering.

Hope you all had a good break, and see you soon.

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