The assignment for Wednesday, as a reminder from the class, is to sketch out two pages that are tuned to showing a capital-I "Image." Something that's really stuck with you, something that you've carried in your head for a while. You'll use the pages as thumbnails for a finished comic, or as storyboards for a short video.
The image has to have a strong personal dimension – something that comes from your life, or something you saw in a dream. Something that has put itself squarely in your mental library.
Like the beginning of the film was saw in class, I want you to construct this in a way where we see details of the Image without fully understanding how they might piece together on the first page, and then on the second page, we see the Image in full. In the film was saw the details of the aftermath of the accident with the horse – but couldn't piece together the relationship between the yelling people, the rope, the train and the horse until the final shot of the sequence.
So the first page will be made of multiple panels, showing details of your scene - and the second page will be taken over by one panel revealing the full image. The "details" on page one could be different physical details in space (the way, in the film, we saw the person emerging from the water, the feather floating, the guy grabbing the rope, etc), or you could make them details that extend the sense of time – a detail that changes over time, and it's not clear, till the second page, what those changes have been leading towards.
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